Heart of Gratitude Blog by Lara from Galilee Life Vendor Rewbi Bible Studies

Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude

by Lara T Caldwell, Rewbi Bible Studies

Key Bible Verse: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ
Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Happiness and success are two things that many of us aspire to achieve. Our society
often defines success in terms of money, status, social media likes, and followers.
Happiness is often seen as something we can only attain when everything is perfect, we
have achieved certain markers of success, or we have certain items.

It’s easy to become caught up in society’s definitions of success and happiness. Even
after reaching one goal, we often find ourselves chasing after more, believing that we
need to achieve them in order to be happy. We become focused on the wrong things
and forget about all the things God has already blessed us with. Sometimes, when we
take a step back and gain perspective, we realize that our expectations may be
unrealistic. Yet, we still struggle to be grateful for what we already have.

God has a better plan for us, and His plan does not include getting worldly
achievements or possessions to be happy. We need to shift our focus to God and His
blessings instead of chasing after fleeting measures of success and happiness and
focusing on what we don’t have. Our happiness is found in being thankful for the season
we are already in.

What would happen if, instead of focusing on the world’s definition of success and
happiness, you started focusing on God’s blessings and were thankful for what He gives
you? What if you made an effort to give thanks in ALL circumstances? How would that
change your perspective and, ultimately, your happiness?

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for
you in Christ Jesus.” In this verse, Paul encourages us to give thanks in all situations,
regardless of how challenging they may be. He doesn’t suggest offering thanks only
occasionally or when things are going well. Instead, he emphasizes the importance of
giving thanks in ALL circumstances—whether you face a difficult medical diagnosis,
your plans don’t go as expected, or your house is small and your bank account is
equally modest. Just give thanks.

Paul’s life serves as a powerful testimony to the Christian faith. He faced numerous
struggles yet continued to inspire others and set a Godly example. Remarkably, many
of his writings found in the Bible were composed while he was in prison! When you read
his letters, you see a person who expresses gratitude and encourages others to do the
same. When negative thoughts begin to creep in, remember Paul’s attitude and make
an effort to shift your focus toward acknowledging your blessings.

Instead of fixating on what you haven’t sold, consider giving thanks for the item you did
sell and the opportunity to bless someone with your product. Also, express gratitude for
the lessons learned while building your business.

Rather than being upset that your medical condition may limit you, give thanks for the
opportunity to reflect God’s love on those around you by trusting Him and having joy
despite your circumstances.

Instead of being discouraged by not getting a desired job, give thanks for the learning
experience you gained from the interview, trusting that God has something else planned for

When the weather disrupts your plans, express gratitude for the change and the potential
blessings that may arise from unexpected situations.

Instead of dwelling on missed opportunities or unfulfilled dreams, give thanks for the
new opportunities placed before you and the dreams you never knew you had.
We have a choice: we can either embrace negativity as our mindset or follow the path God
intends for us—a path of gratitude that recognizes His goodness in our lives. I pray that we each
choose to live a life of thankfulness in every circumstance.

Galilee Life Christian Marketplace Vendor: Rewbi Bible Studies

Shop these beautiful Bible Studies below and begin your journey of gratitude.

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Lara Caldwell has been involved in homeschooling for over sixteen years and taught both her daughters from kindergarten to graduation. She is the director of The South Carolina Homeschool Accountability Association (TSCHAA), which provides SC homeschoolers a legal option to homeschool. After her family's homeschool journey ended, Lara decided to continue her education and began taking courses through Christian Leaders Institute. She earned a Christian Ministry Certificate, which she added to her Bachelor's in Elementary Education from Clemson University. ​Lara's desire to strengthen her Bible knowledge and encourage others to read the whole Bible led to the creation of Rewbi Bible Studies. ​She lives with her amazing husband, youngest daughter, and a plethora of furry family on a hobby farm in South Carolina.​

Learn more about Rewbi Bible Studies at www.rewbibiblestudies.com 

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