Where Are You?

Where are you in your business venture at this very moment? Do you feel satisfied and energized to keep moving forward, or are you feeling drained and unmotivated?

In business, our long term goals may vary and differ from one another, but overall, your goals should have a focus on making an impact, wealth, freedom, and on health.

If these are not aligned and more times than not, you feel they are compromised, then it’s time to take your business and present it to the Lord in prayer and ask him if this is what he wants for your life.

Many times, we take on the role of God and choose things on his behalf, not quite understanding our purpose, or even if it is the right path.

Marketing is so stressful for most of us, as it involves brand awareness, people knowing about you and what you offer, ect. Did you know that when you are fully aligned with your goals and when you are certain that what you are doing, truly comes from God, there’s nothing to be stressed about. In due time, you will see the fruit of your labor.

Often times than not, go back to your book, drawing board, blank page, and ask God to help you fill it up with purpose filled goals that not only help you reach your financial goals, but your emotional and spiritual ones as well.

Your business when aligned with God’s purpose for your life, becomes your lifeline, your fuel to keep going, and the tool used to draw you closer to him.

Remember that all of our skills, gifts and special talents that we use in our businesses all belong to God and are given to us by God.

From your GL Family 💜

If you’re a Galilee Life vendor, log in to your knowledgebase for practical tips to help you navigate your shop! 

P.S. One of the most important things you can do for your business is to pray for it every day.

Verse of the week:  Deuteronomy 8:18 says, But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.

With Love, 

Your Galilee Life Family

Galilee Life

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