Our key verse for this devotional is:
“To You, Oh Lord, I lift up my soul. I trust in you, my God! Psalm 25:1
Part 1: When You are Faced with Trials and Tribulations, do You Trust God?
People approach a new year in one of three ways. First, they are full of excitement. Secondly, they are full of mixed emotions. Thirdly they are full of regret because they do not think anything will change. However, a new year can be a chance for us to look forward to the NEW and start FRESH!
It can bring new opportunities and new connections and so much more!
On the other hand, if we are growing weary and full of grief because of the events that happened last year, we will not approach this new season with fresh eyes and an attitude of expectation.
Our thoughts, attitudes, and actions are all centered around our perspective. Do you look for problems or solutions? Do you focus only on a dark sky when it rains, or do you wait expectantly to see a beautiful rainbow after the storm?
Yes, we all know that it is challenging to venture into the unknown, and many of us may find ourselves worrying about the possible outcomes of a new year.
The question I propose to you now is this.
Will you step forward in this new year and Walk By Faith?
I recently attended a three-day workshop administered by my former pastor. She asked us the following question: What is the opposite of “Walk by Faith”? She pointed out that the answer is “to walk by sight.” She highlighted that fear arises when our actions are guided solely by what we see. She also informed us of a theology I never heard of before entitled “Experiential Theology.” This means we base our theology about God on our experiences or circumstances instead of basing it on his Word. This type of theology is when the enemy lures us away from God.
Many things in our lives may cause us to panic and or shake our faith. One time, my husband and I lost our house and found us having to move in a very short time. Needless to say, we had to act quickly. Thank God we were able to see an apartment and was approved in a short amount of time.
Other situations that could cause concern or stress include unexpectedly losing your job, a loved one becoming very ill, a close friend moving away, or ending a relationship with your partner. Yes, there are so many situations in our lives that could make us doubt and despair.
The enemy wants to cripple us and keep us in this deep pit. Here is another statement Dr. Jamie said in her recent Facebook Live, “The enemy wants you camped out in the valley of disappointment.” He wants us to keep moaning about our lives and stressing over trials that cause havoc in our lives. We let the waves in our stormy situations toss us back and forth.
But you have a choice! God has given all of us free will.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of Power, Love, and Self-discipline. 2nd Timothy 1:7 NLT.
It is not easy to Walk by Faith but remember the Holy Spirit lives inside of You. He has deposited the Fruit to help you live a Godly life, a life that honors God. It is not a sprint, but a journey.
We are not alone. Our Father, Abba is always with us no matter where we go.
I can never escape from your Spirit. I can never get away from your presence. Psalm 139:7 NLT
One final note on Walking by Faith, there are so many wonderful men and women mentioned in the Bible that were living in times of uncertainty.
Abraham, the Father of the nations, was instructed by God to leave his family. He obeyed God and did not even know where God was taking him. Matthew left his lucrative tax business to follow Jesus. He did not know what his life would be like, but without any hesitation, he followed Jesus. Ruth was very loyal to her mother-in-law Naomi. She went with her and said, “Do not urge me to leave you…where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Ruth did not know what lay ahead for her and Naomi. Widows in ancient times were taken advantage of or ignored. Often, they were poverty-stricken. The three wise men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego continued to worship and pray to God even though the king forbade it. They were found out and thrown into a blazing fire! Job had lost everything when God allowed him to be tested after conversing with Satan. He lost all his possessions (7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 oxen teams, 500 female donkeys), and his ten children were killed when a terrible wind hit their house and fell and collapsed. Then Satan went back to God and asked to harm Job, God had agreed. So, Satan gave terrible boils to emerge on Job all over his body. Despite his terrible losses and his skin condition Job did not blame God. Even his wife wanted him to curse God. When chains in prison bound Paul and Silas, they still praised the Lord.
These people were able to step out of their comfort zone and leave the familiar because they were devoted to God and trusted him. Others faced very challenging outcomes that were devastating.
“To You, Oh Lord, I lift up my soul. I trust in you, my God! …All day long I put my Hope in You. Psalm 25:1, and 5 NLT.
One day I was distraught, crying, and on my knees. All of a sudden, I heard a voice. I believe it was Jesus! The voice said, “I am King over your circumstances.” This realization changed everything for me. Jesus was so powerful and reassured me that He cares for me and that I should not worry about things that did not work out or that were not in my control. What a relief, what peace came over me.
Part 2: Renewing our Mind and Wearing the Armor.
Here are a few tips on how we can Walk by Faith and Trust God more in the storms of our lives.
- Pray daily.
- Spend time in the Secret Place.
- Read the Bible daily. You can utilize apps like You Version to help you zero in on certain topics that resonate with you in this season.
- Write down powerful scriptures, so you can refer to them. Put them in an accessible location.
- Praise and Worship often. I listen to Pandora as I start my day. I also have a playlist on my YouTube channel.
- Read the following books in the New Testament: John, Romans, Corinthians, and Galatians, to help you understand the sufferings of Jesus, draw closer to him, and know your identity in Christ.
- Read the Book of Psalms for encouragement.
- Read Ephesians 6:10-18, Romans 12:2, and 1st Corinthians 2:14-16 to renew and protect your mind and to guard your heart.
- Read 1st and 2nd Peter and 1st and 2nd Timothy to release your care and fears and become more mature in your faith.
- Repeat
I do want to emphasize one thing. Do not feel guilty if you do not read your Bible and pray daily. God knows your heart and he knows what will happen that day. Just start fresh the next day. In Christ, there is no condemnation. The devil is the accuser, do not listen to him.
Prayer: Father God, we ask you to help us to fix our eyes on Jesus, who is, the author, perfector, and finisher of our faith. Worthy is your name Jesus. May we make You the center of our lives. Help us Father God to be more disciplined in reading, meditating, and applying your Word. Help us to be vigilant in our prayers. Give us a desire to spend more intimate time with Christ. Empower us to embrace the fruit of the Spirit. May we learn to trust you more each day. In Jesus’ name Amen.
By Carol Strang from Graceful Designs Wearable Art