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Statement Of Faith
We believe in God The Father, Jesus The Son, and the Holy Spirit as our Guide.

God is the maker of the whole world. God has always existed in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All three are One. Before the world was formed, God was already here. In Genesis 1:1, it says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Which shows us that his existence is eternal.
Jesus was sent by His Father and co-equal, God to live a sinless life on this earth offering himself as a sacrifice for all of our sins. Jesus died for each and everyone of us so that we may one day live in Heaven with Him. Jesus rose from the dead after three days and in this act He demonstrated that He is all powerful and that sin and death hold no power over Him. John 3:16 - God's love letter to us.
The Holy Spirit is our Guide. As co-equal to our Heavenly Father and Jesus His Son, the Holy Spirit provides every follower and believer of Christ with the tools necessary to live a Spirit filled life in accordance to the way Christ wants us to live. The Holy Spirit empowers all believers to be Ambassadors of Christ and preach the word to a world that is lost and in need of Him. In John 14: 15, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit if we love and keep His commands.
We believe that prayer and reading of the Bible, which is the word of God, keeps us in constant communication and communion with our Father. The more we pray, the more we get to experience the fullness of a joyful life in Him. The more we seek God, the more we get to understand His heart and the blueprint He has beautifully designed for each of our lives. A daily life of communion leads to a life full of faith in things seen and unseen.
Life is better with Jesus!