Sermon Series – Where is God When I Hurt
All Christians know in their heart that God cares for them. His care extends even when we feel broken at that point where we begin to question, Is God Caring for My Hurt? Many books and bible studies have been given on this subject, “Where is God when I hurt”.
Every Pastor feels concerned about his ministry when things get tough for our people. I began noticing our members including myself when the question came about, does God hear my plea?
This short booklet directs itself to that question we want to ask, yet we resist telling our brothers and sisters in Christ the reality of doubting.
I share several sermons I wrote and delivered to my church and membership several years ago which address these thoughts with biblical references that God does care, He hears and will act on our behalf to put our life in order according to His perfect will.
The booklet comprises four sermons preached and showered with bible inscriptions on God’s Care for us.
I hope you enjoy reading, and it will be helpful to you and to others,
Dr. Frank Garofalo
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