Sermon Series – The Collection of the Saints
Church always had difficulty with the collection of Saints with (the Tithe). Does it follow the Old Testament pattern of giving of the persons portion (the 10 percent of their earnings) or the pattern of the New Testament (giving out of the abundance of one’s heart)?
I have had the blessing of serving the Lord’s Church for forty years and still find obstacles when I share of the Tithe. I wrote this brief paper to open the believers mind on what is required of them before God in their giving to the collection with the saints of God.
I hope this paper helps you see what is right before the Lord, you will be the receiver of it and the Spirit of the Lord will do the rest for us all. Let the Lord be the one who explains His collection and what He expects is just.
God bless you, and if there are any questions you may have, kindly send me an e-mail and get back to you.
Blessing, and peace in Jesus Christ,
Dr Frank Garofalo
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