Sermon Series – Jesus, Lover of my Soul

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The famous Hymn written by Charles Wesley in 1738, “Jesus, Lover of my Soul”  is a testimony to his love for Jesus. His praise for Jesus is echoed throughout the hymn. It is a source of refuge, guidance, and salvation in times of uncertainty and grief for the entire Church until this very day and beyond. Wesley describes the beauty he found in Jesus and these words press upon all believers who hear or sing the lyrics. 
Throughout the words of this hymn we find the theological framework of love, faith, trust and comfort of the Lord Jesus. This booklet seeks to better understand the love of Jesus for every soul of His and how He is there at any moment we call upon Him. 
There is something to grasp when we hear a Christian song of admiration and love that Jesus has for us, and we, in turn, have for Him. The song “Jesus, Lover of My Soul” has inspired me to write this sermon series.
The ending chapter in this series is a meditation that we ask the Lord to provide for us as we seek the depth of Wesley’s words and find Jesus, the lover of our souls. 
The Joy of Jesus Christ be with you all,
Dr. Frank Garofalo
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Jesus Lover of My Soul Sermon Series


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