Goals And Action Plans

Do you get overwhelmed when thinking of goals and action plans? 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️
You’re probably focusing on your end goal and contemplating on the many steps it will take to get there. Please don’t. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Focus on attainable goals first. Goals that you can see in the near future. Instead of the 1,000 leads and hundreds of customers you want and need. Try focusing on getting 2 leads and maybe 3 sales in one or two weeks.

Thinking big is magnificent! BUT when you think big, don’t forget that you have to start small.

Starting small means developing solid strategies to test out possibilities with 1 or 2 prospects, so that you can take those strategies and implement them as you grow.

The more you work on those smaller goals, the stronger you will be when those bigger ones come along.

Preparation is key 🔑 and there’s no better way to prepare then making daily moves to achieve those small goals that eventually lead to bigger ones.

From your GL Family 💜

If you’re a Galilee Life vendor, log in to your knowledgebase for practical tips to help you navigate your shop! 

P.S. One of the most important things you can do for your business is to pray for it every day.

Verse of the week:  “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” -2 Chronicles 15:7

With Love, 

Your Galilee Life Family

Galilee Life

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